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مشروبات مجربة تخلصك من البطن نهائياً أقرا المقالة علي مدونة جديد:

مشروبات سحرية تخلصك من الكرش عصـير اللـيمون في كل صباح، قومي بتقطيع الليمون إلى شرائح على شكل هلال، ثم إغليها في إبريق الشاي مع الماء لمدة 20 دقيقة. أتركي المزيج كي يهدأ لمدة 5 دقائق بعد إطفاء النار تحته، ثم اشربيه على الريق، قبل تناول أي شيء. هذا الشراب سيساعد على تنشيط الدورة الدموية وحركة الأيض لخسارة الكيلوغرامات الزائدة حول منطقة البطن والأرداف. مشـروب الـشاى الأخـضر والـبردقوش فهذه النبتة هي غنية بالمكونات التي تساعد في عملية الهضم وإذابة الدهون، وفوائدها لا تحصى على صحتكِ. وعند إضافة البردقوش على الشاي الأخضر الطازج أثناء الغلي، ستضاعف فاعليته في خسارة الوزن والحصول على قوام رشيق. مشـروب الزنجـبيل والقـرفة الزنجبيل هو المكوّن الأساسي في أدوية التخسيس لأنه قوي جداً على الدهون ويساعد على تذويبها! لهذا السبب قومي بغلي بضع شرائح صغيرة الحجم من الزنجبيل مع الماء، ثم أضيفي إلى الخليط ملعقة كبيرة من القرفة المطحونة. انتظري حتى يبرد قليلاً ثم اشربي منه كوباً في الصباح وقبل الخلود إلى النوم.

How to donate money to the right organization

It can be a medical care for a child or a rare disease, or giving children access to school, you want to help by donating to an organization. With thousands of charities that are asking for funds, you will have to be careful about the bona fide charitable causes. How to identify and donate your money to the right organization? From your inner soul There is no need to rush on the first offer or the first pop-up appearing on your web page to donate. You have to be aware of your own need and will in donating. Discover what kind of charity do you want to back and what your purposes are. It may be for an organization fighting against a certain disease (cancer, AIDS, etc) or an organization that helps children in a developing country to get funds in their studies. Identifying this issue is more than essential before donating money to an organization. Once this first step achieved, start search on the Internet to find out more about the issue you are interested in. Go and visit your ...

50% of the people worldwide pay too much for their gas

Natural gas prices are increasing by 16% to 19% and it is becoming more and more prominent. An expert in the field says that if the customer is paying more than £51 (33,17 USD) for their gas per month, then, they are potentially paying too much than they should. Expensive tariff Gas and electricity costs are one of the largest monthly outgoings of many households. And the situation remains the same in all developed countries around the world. Because of expensive tariff, especially in gas, each household pays £411 more than they are expecting. So instead of paying around £980, the household can disburse more than £1,391 a year. In January, the Big 6 energy providers in Britain were accused of paying too much for its wholesale supply. Especially in the United Kingdom and in the United States, gas bills are at a 10-year high. Anyway, this is the same situation in the different countries in the world such as Russia and Europe. Survey in the United Kingdom Energy firms cl...

Top Tips to choose your wife/husband

Know yourself This step is very important if you really want to choose the right partner. You have to know yourself. Some people are searching in all corners of the earth for their soulmate but come back in vain. One of the reasons of that failure is that the bachelor did not ask himself. So the, before loving someone, before making your choice on the right guy or girl to marry, start by asking yourself the real questions: who are you? What do you want? What are you expecting from your partner? What do you like most? All these little questions may seem tiny but are very important. It is after answering these questions to yourself that you can start defining who you are and what you really want. Be positive and keep smiling After knowing yourself, you can now begin to change your mind. The next key for alluring your future wife or husband is being positive. By being positive, people will automatically call on you, run to you and would like to by your side because of the energy...

80 % of the burglary can be prevented with the installation of a Security Alarm

Burglary remains a traumatic experience for victims. However surveys show that 80 % of burglaries could have been prevented is a Security Alarm has been installed. Thus, the introduction of Alarm in a house is now more justified. It should be noted that the Alarm System is not only implemented as a preventive measure, it can also be installed for to stop burglary. Installing a Security Alarm as a preventive People who have previously experienced burglary often call on the installation of a Security Alarm in the house. However, being equipped with an alarm as a prevention manner may be appropriate. First, the presence of a Security Alarm may first slow burglar’s attitude. Then, as burglaries often break the house when the owners are not home, the presence of an alarm reduces the risk. Indeed, alarms can be connected remotely to homeowners who take adequate measures as soon as intrusion is detected. Today Security Alarms are coupled to a video surveillance system to alert owne...

3 tips to have baby’s skin

Beautiful skin is undeniably an asset of beauty. With aging, the skin loses its elasticity. Pores dilate and dry easily. This significantly impacts the look of a person. To remedy this, here are 3 tips to put into practice to keep baby’s skin. Presented below are 3 main tips to have baby’s skin and kip it. Tip n° 1: Moisturize your skin properly Baby’s skin is characterized by its smoothness. This softness is lost progressively as the skin dries out. In this context, to recover flexibility and delicate baby skin, it is essential to moisturize the skin properly. Good hydration starts with choosing the right product. Depending on skin type, a corresponding moisturizer can be found in the market. For example, dry skin requires a cream rich in nutrient. In addition, it should be noted that applying a cream is not properly washed after the skin so that it does not remain only on the surface. In addition, spreading cream on a skin which is not yet cleaned may obstruct pores. Finally,...

5 tips for choosing your mattress and sleep well

For a moment of total relaxation, nothing beats a good sleep. Anyway, it greatly depends on the comfort of the bed. With different types of mattresses for sale on the market, everyone can choose one that suits his needs. To sleep well, here are 5 tips for choosing the right mattress. 1. Choose an appropriate model of mattress Since mattress determines the comfort of sleep, your selection should be based on your needs first. The slatted-bed base is a good choice, especially if your mattress is latex or foam. It improves the ventilation, comfort and durability of the mattress. For those who choose a bultex or springs mattress, box spring or mattress is more appropriate and recommended. 2. Choice depending on the design and comfort For a very design mattress, box-spring is a perfect choice. The concept extends the life of the mattress. As for the relaxation bed frame, it is adjustable manually or with an electric motor, and exists in leather, spring and slats models. For a rel...

10 Tips to ask for a pay rise

Even in a doubtful economic environment, every employee has the right to ask for a raise. Anyway, it has to be done at the right time and wisely to avoid bad consequences. Here are 10 tips to help you receive a positive answer from your employer. 1. Choose the perfect time Asking for a rise in pay has to be done at the right time. Some enterprises have internal conditions related to this kind of request. If the company you are working does not have, it is best to use the annual balance sheet or evaluation. 2. It’s now or never Remember to drop your request off at your manager’s hand when you think he is the more receptive. Approaching him at the end of the week or talk about it in the hallway is not very professional. You would better ask for an appointment or via mail. 3. Grounds for claiming Before getting to the heart of the matter, stay evasive about the reasons of your request and negotiation. Focus the conversation on the state of your workplace and related benefi...

90% of diets lead to weight gain

Losing weight is a concern of many people in our today. In these times where appearance is king, a round shape is not always an asset. For this reason, each new regime attracts a lot more dieters. However, the success remains mixed. Analyzes suggest that 90 % of diets lead to weight gain. Reason N° 1: The stomach One of the main reasons for the failure of a diet is the mechanic system. Simply, the feeling of gastric fullness is disordered, which causes the person to eat more and more. Experience on obese people confirms this theory. In fact, a diet that made them lose weight has no effect on their feeling of satiety. After completing the plan, the obese regain weight inevitably. In addition, because their stomach has acquired a certain volume, it struggles to retain its size and still requires more food to ensure this emptiness. Finally, the hormone leptin present in every obese individual makes them feel hard to be full. Ghrelin, the “Hormone appetite” on it, is greatly ...

5 tips to win at Poker

To have the chance to win at poker, there is no magical methods. Professional players use strategies and conduct an assessment of the likely chances to win. In poker, the luck is estimated at one out of four of the chance of winning. The rest depends on the experience, personal tactics and the control of the game. Here are 5 effective tips for you to win at Poker. 1. Mastering the game Having sufficient idea of the game is the first key that leads to victory. Before referring to the mathematical predictions as professionals do; learn how to be a good Poker player. Therefore increase the likelihood of your chance to win by playing regularly. As a beginner, mastering the game is essential. The more you play, the more you will have more chance of winning. 2. Have patience To be a good Poker player, patience is a highly effective strategy used by experienced players. You should know that this kind of game is profitable in the long term. Being patient is to have self-control w...

Tips for making your attic a space for living

You want more space to live in? No need to move from your house if you have an attic under the roof! With the price of the m² that increases exponentially, converting the attic is the best solution. Often considered as a place for storing some kinds of furniture only, an attic remains a room. It can be converted into a space that you can live in. TV room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom … here are some positive pieces of advice to make this obscure area a habitable room. Spaces needed for converting an attic into room There is no doubt; an attic can become an independent room. The option for converting an attic into a space for living largely depends on the slope of the floor and especially on the nature of the framework. Note that to convert an attic into room, the height of the structure has to be more than 1.80 m, with a roof pitch of more than 30 %. The attic-frame in “W” is considered lost, but in the end, they can also be arranged. Potential rooms after converting the loft ...

10 tips for choosing health insurance

With unequal offers, choosing a health insurance is not easy. There exist several Health Insurance companies scattering around the world. They are mostly referring to contract price and repayments. Moreover, these two criteria are not sufficient to determine the deals and packages that meet the customer’s needs and requirements. Here are 10 tips to choose a Health Insurance Company 1. Knowing the real needs To make the right choice, the customer must first know his needs and expectations. He must choose a company that has a formula that meets his needs. Guarantees also have to be studied carefully and see if they are adapted to his medical habits, his family and income. 2. Determine the current coverage Some employers offer mutual complementary to their employees. The analysis of the current coverage assesses the advantages and limitations of insurance company. If it is required, the customer has to choose over-complementary health insurance. If it is optional, it can subsc...

5 security objects to be safe at home

Statistics affirm that over 400, 000 burglaries are taking place every year. That increasing number compels people to invest a significant budget for their safety and the safety of their homes. Some objects are indispensable to make you feel secure and protect your coming and going. Security object n° 1: An alarm system Who says home security implies alarm system. This device is now wireless. Whether it is just to bother and disconcert criminals in their misdeeds, or to protect themselves from a possible intrusion, an alarm system is effective in most cases. Several types of alarms are available everywhere. You will just have to install them in the most vulnerable areas in the house such as doors or windows. Certain models include a call transmitter that notifies the owner by phone or directly alerts the police. Security object n° 2: A random security lightning It should be noted that strong lighting frightens burglars. Criminals prefer to operate in the shadows....

#1 “Breast Gymnastics Hand Massager”

This is supposed to reverse sagging. Even if this does work, we're pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to get a more gentle helping hand, if you know what we mean.

Man burns himself after confusing hot iron with phone

A man was left badly injured after confusing a hot iron for a phone, according to press reports. Tomasz Paczkowski was just trying to be a good husband. He has the scars to prove it. He had a few days off from work, so when his wife asked him to help around the house, Paczkowski, who is 32 years old and a resident of Elblag, Poland, agreed. Paczkowski had breakfast. Then he went into multitask mode. He turned on the TV to the boxing channel, opened a beer and began to iron some clothes. "I was really involved in boxing and not really thinking about what I was doing," he said. The phone rang and instead of reaching for the phone, Paczkowski put the boiling hot iron to his ear. He immediately realized his mistake and rushed to the bathroom to cool the burn with water. But along the way, he hit his head on a door frame. He now wears bandages around his head and has an injury just above his left eye. "I failed as a good husband," Paczkowski said. The trau...

#4 Road Works

Whoa. . . Have you ever wondered how this is done? As you see here a path-laying machine is used to weave the bricks together.

#1 Tragedy Hits

A sand bar near the Bermuda Triangle destroyed these 16 ships ALL at once!

#1 Ask about “that thing”

If you had a job interview you were nervous about, or a doctor’s appointment, a meeting about a possible promotion, or just something you had once mentioned was coming up and he makes a point of calling you up after to ask how it went, he is serious about you. Men who aren’t serious about a woman make a point of not asking for too many details about her life.

1 How to Get Rid of Undereye Circles

After you have applied your foundation, you can apply a concealer one shade lighter than your skin tone to the area under your eyes. Don’t forget the area between your eye and your nose, as well, if it is looking particularly purple or blue. (You can choose a slightly yellow or orange concealer if that is the case.) Blend the concealer well into the foundation that’s already there and then set with a translucent powder. Do it right, and you could hide even a black eye.

خدعة سحرية لتصغير الانف العريض فى ثوانى معددوة أقرا المقالة علي مدونة جديد:

1- يمكنك تصغير أنفك العريض من خلال تغميق المنطقة التي تودين تصغيرها باستعمال كريم الأساس الداكن وألأغمق من لون بشرتك الأصلي، والتي غالباً ما تكون رأس الأنف، وتفتيح المنطقة التي تودين إبرازها بواسطة كريم أساس أفتح من لون بشرتك، أي عظمة الأنف، ولتثبيت هاتين الخطوتين عليك وضع البودرة، بالطريقة نفسها التي استعملت فيها كريم الأساس.  2- يمكنك أن تقوّية ماكياج عينيك، او ماكياج شفتيك، مركّزة على الألوان القويّة، من اجل أن تبعدي الانتباه عن أنفك، وصرفه إلى مناطق أخرى في وجهك.    3- استعملي أحمر الخدود الخوخي، وامزجيه نحو الأعلى باتجاه صدغيك، وبهذا تكونين تظهرين طول أنفك بدلاً من عرضه، فتخففين مظهره.  4- أعطي اهتماماً خاصاً لرموشك في ماكياج العينين، فاستعملي المستعارة، أو كثّفي الماسكارا على رموشك، مع المقلّب  لأنّ من شأن هذه الخطوة أن تصرف النظر نهائياً عن أنفك.    روغم أنّ جميع نجمات هوليوود كنّ في وقت سابق ذات أنف كبير، إلا أنّ البعض منهنّ ما تزال تحمل اللقب مثل كاميرون دياز، وسكارليت جوهانسن، وصوفيا فيرغارا وغيرهنّ.  

Les photos HOT de Lavezzi dévoilées sur le net !

La nouvelle  victime  des  réseaux sociaux  :  Ezequiel Lavezzi  !  En effet, l' attaquant argentin du Paris Saint Germain  fait une nouvelle fois parler de lui, même cette fois pas pour ces talents footballistiques !  Depuis mardi  soir, des  clichés de ces ébats amoureux  circulent sur le net. La personne qui serait à l'origine des publications n'a pas encore été identifiée mais porte le pseudo mephobia8.  Sur ces photos, on peut voir le footballer en  casquette de policier  passer du bon temps avec une  belle blonde  qui est certainement  Yanina Screpante ,  sa compagne . Le coupable a immédiatement retiré les photos d'internet mais vu la notoriété de Lavezzi, il n'aura pas fallu trop longtemps pour que les clichés soient  repris par d'autres internautes et fassent le tour de la toile . L'argentin qui fait chavirer tous les coeurs de ces dames est resté pour l'instant très discret, ...

Miley Cyrus se fait tatouer la lèvre inférieure !

Décidément au monde de la provocation,  Miley  serait reine ! Après les  photos complètement déjantées  de sa tournée au  Canada   dans des positions très hard, et le râteau que lui met  Katty Perry  en lui  refusant  un baiser , voici maintenant que la belle se fait faire un tout nouveau tatouage. Mais attention, pas n’importe lequel, sinon elle perdrait de son charme. La chanteuse se fait tatouer une tête de tigre sur l’intérieur de la lèvre inférieure. Enfin quand on dit une tête de tigre… c’est plutôt quelque chose qui y ressemble. Nous découvrons donc ce nouveau tattoo sur son compte  Instagram , légendé «  Sad Kitty  »

How do you know that the man loves you read on the site Educate yourself:

How do you know that the man loves loving man is an actor, not the speaker - whether that means picking a group of flowers you attend or you breakfast in bed. The man is not a loving person Ante need to spend a lot of time guessing he loves you for even a second. The men are not the aggressors. 1 Watch for his actions. When men like they are probably easier to read than women because they do not spend hours analyzing the relationship with their comrades. Loving guy do anything to show that he cares about, such as: giving you flowers, buy yogurt or milk your favorite and spend some time with your family. 2 to pay attention to his body language and facial expressions. If croaker and stuffy or he seems bored or is permanently checking his cell phone or distracted and feel upset, if he did not fall in love. Ante and actually do not you need one that tells you that. Man devotee should engage with you in everything, staring deeply into your eyes, gently touch you on your arm or your shou...

هل الحاسة السادسة موجودة فعلاً عند المرأة؟ أقرا المقالة علي مدونة جديد:

هل سبق وسمعت بالحاسة السادسة أو الحدس؟ إنّه ذاك الشعور الذي يهتف من داخلك ليعلمك بما قد يحصل في المستقبل القريب جدّاً واستناداً إليه قد تقومين بتغيير العديد من المخططات، ظنّاً منك أنّك قد رأيت نتائج قراراتك سابقاً. قد يظنّ البعض بأنّه مجرّد أوهام وذلك لأنّه لا يعتمد على حقائق ملموسة وواضحة ولكنّ الطب قد برهن مؤخّراً عكس ذلك وقد وقف إلى جانب النساء ليؤكّد أنّ حدس المرأة هل سبق وسمعت بالحاسة السادسة أو الحدس؟ إنّه ذاك الشعور الذي يهتف من داخلك ليعلمك بما قد يحصل في المستقبل القريب جدّاً واستناداً إليه قد تقومين بتغيير العديد من المخططات، ظنّاً منك أنّك قد رأيت نتائج قراراتك سابقاً. قد يظنّ البعض بأنّه مجرّد أوهام وذلك لأنّه لا يعتمد على حقائق ملموسة وواضحة ولكنّ الطب قد برهن مؤخّراً عكس ذلك وقد وقف إلى جانب النساء ليؤكّد أنّ حدس المرأة موجود ويستند إلى عوامل بيوليوجية واضحة. حدسك سيّدتي خُلق في داخلك منذ أن كنت جنيناً داخل رحم والدتك. إذ وفقاً للعلم، إنّ الحدس أو الحاسة السادسة التي كنت تستخدمينها لتبرير أفعالك هي ناتجة من كمية هرمون التستستيرون القليلة التي كانت موجودة قبل ولادتك. ...

اطعمة تسبب اصفرار اسنانك من الافضل التقليل من تناولها أقرا المقالة علي مدونة جديد:

1-الشاي بالرغم من كون القهوة هي الأشهر كمسبب لاصفرار الأسنان الا أن شرب الشاي أيضاً هو عامل أساسي في اصفرار الاسنان. يحتوي الشاي الأسود على مادة قابضة تسمى التانينز وهي التي تسبب تغير لون الأسنان، أما الشاي الأبيض فيسبب تآكل مينا الأسنان. 2-صلصة الطماطم صلصة الطماطم بالرغم من احتوائها على مضادات الأكسدة المعروفة بخواصها الصحية الا أنها من أكبر مسببات تلون الاسنان بسبب احتوائها على تركيز عالي من الأحماض بالإضافة الى لونها الأحمر. 3-المخللات التركيز المرتفع من الخل في المخللات يسبب تآكل مينا الأسنان مما يجعل الاسنان عرضة للتلون والاصفرار بسهولة بعد ذلك.   4-المشروبات الرياضية المشروبات الرياضية تحتوي على العديد من المواد التي تسبب تآكل مينا الأسنان. 5-الفواكه المجففة بالرغم من كون الفواكه المجففة اختيار صحي كبديل للحلويات الا أنها تلتصق في الاسنان وتسبب تسوس الأسنان بسهولة. 6-الخبز وحبوب الإفطار النشويات في الخبز وحبوب الإفطار تختلط مع انزيمات اللعاب وتكون حمض يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تآكل المينا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، بعض الحبوب تحتوي على نسبة عالية من السكر والتي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تسوس الأسن...